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A Visit of SFL and SITE for Expanding Employment Opportunity in DHRSS of Yichun City

On May 7, Tu Yuanwu, Party Secretary of the School of Foreign LanguagesSFL, Ma Lichen, Deputy Party Secretary of the School of International Trade and EconomicsSITE), and Liu Suyuan and Wu Meng, teachers working on student employment, paid a visit to Department of Human Resources and Social Security of Yichun cityDHRSS) for graduate employment. Mr. Xu Yongjun, Secretary General of  The People’s Government of Yichun, and Mr. Yu Xiaofeng, Director of DHRSS extended a warm welcome to the their visit. Afterwards, an exchange meeting was held , joined by Chen Jianjun, Deputy Director of DHRSS, Jiang Shaoqing, Level-Ⅱ Division Rank Official of Yichun Economic and Technological Development Zone Management Committee, Li Junchun, Deputy Director of Yichun Municipal Employment Center, and other several officials, together with representatives of enterprises, such as Jiangxi Zhongtian Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd. and Jiangxi Changli Culture and Education Investment Group Co., Ltd.

  The exchange meeting was hosted by Mr. Chen Jianjun and during the meeting, Mr. Tu expressed the purpose of the visit, with the hope that a better understanding of local recruitment import policies of DHRSS and employers could be in place, providing more jobs in line with the reality of fresh graduates. On top of that, he invited the DHRSS and related enterprises to carry out specialized recruiting activities on the campus, to remove graduates doubts in a more precise way. Meanwhile, Mr. Ma presented the Talent Training Programs of SITE and the employment of the graduates of the year 2024. 

On behalf of DHRSS, Mr. Chen, expressed a warm welcome to the visit of our schools again and hoped to carry out more in-depth cooperation programs with Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics (JUFE) in the future, including normalized employment information alignment with authorities in Yichun city as well as employment internship and training programs, etc.. Mr. Li Fan in DHRSS and Mrs. Yuan Jiamei working on party and mass work illustrated the local talent introduction policies in detail. To be specific, as for students from Yichun city, local government will roll out the Youth Cultivation Program, which will provide all-round incentives, supports and employment preparations, so that more outstanding graduates could return and boost the development of their hometowns.

  Besides, these two enterprises introduced the situation of enterprises and recruitment plans respectively to the school side.

  The Framework Agreement on Talent Projects and Cooperation between School and Local Authorities was signed between the leaders of DHRSS and representatives of JUFE later.

After the meeting, representatives of JUFE visited Jiangxi Guoxuan New Energy Science and Technology Co., Ltd. and Jiangxi Zhongtian Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd. 

This visit is an important initiative of JUFE in accordance with the party central committee and the state council decision on the college graduates employment, and the requirements of the Ministry of Education and the Department of Education of Jiangxi province on the programs about Visiting Enterprises and Expanding Jobs to promote employment. In this way, the schools of JUFE can further understand the market employment demand and seek more high-quality jobs for graduates.



                                           By Wangkun & Du jingping